September 13, 2012

Organization Structure - Definition & Assignment


SPRO (Customizing - Edit Project) -- SAP Reference IMG -- SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -- Enterprise Structure -- Definition -- Financial Accounting -- Define Company


SPRO (Customizing - Edit Project) -- SAP Reference IMG -- SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -- Enterprise Structure -- Definition -- Financial Accounting -- Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code


September 12, 2012


BADI (Business Add Ins) is a technology used for data transfer. It is meant for transferring data through SAP transactions itself. When you use BDC for data transfer, the sequence of steps are the same as when you use standard SAP transaction screens for data upload. The only difference is that you can use different options for foreground/background processing.

Features of BADI-
  • BADI’s are Object Oriented
  • They can be implemented multiple times
  • It does not require SAP Software Change Registration
  • No effect on release upgraded on the functioning of BADI’s
You can call RFC and BAPI into NWDS through Adaptive RFC Modal. Right click on model and select create model and there you can select import Adaptive RFC Model.


BAPI stands for Business API (Application Program Interface). A BAPI is remotely enabled function module it can be invoked from remote programs like standalone JAVA programs, web interface etc. You can make your function module remotely enabled in attributes of Function module but a BAPI are standard SAP function modules provided by SAP for remote access. Also they are part of Businees Object Repository (BOR). BAPIs are standardized programming interfaces (methods) enabling external applications to access business processes and data in the R/3 System. They provide stable and standardized methods to achieve seamless integration between the R/3 System and external applications, legacy systems and add-ons. BAPIs are defined in the BOR (Business object repository) as methods of SAP business object types that carry out specific business functions.They are implemented as RFC-enabled function modules and are created in the Function Builder of the ABAP Workbench. Some BAPIs and methods provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP Business Objects. These are called STANDARDIZED BAPI’s.

List of Standardized BAPIs-
  • BAPIs for Reading Data – GetList() , GetDetail() , GetStatus() , ExistenceCheck()
  • BAPIs for Creating or Changing Data- Create() ,Change(),Delete() and Undelete()
  • BAPIs for Mass Processing -ChangeMultiple(), CreateMultiple(), DeleteMultiple()

RICEF Objects

RICEF isn't a standard SAP acronym. It's not defined by SAP like we have ABAP, ALV, etc. It's a common term used to describe five areas of technical developments in SAP. It represents Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements and Forms.